OMG..Miss Japan crowned Ms Universe..Ou(1) Amg(3)
星期二, 5月 29, 2007 at 11:13 上午
I can't stand but to dig out portion of my precious studying time to blog this!! Today's topic quite international.. so ya, in english~ My sis was watching Ms Universe in her room and halfway through she called me into her room to join her. She was crying out that Ms Japan is really NOT SO BEAUTIFUL~ (ps: don't wanna use the word starting with "U" cause afterall she managed to enter the competition) At first look i thought she was ok..not that bad.. but when she stood with the other contestants..those top ten, i thought maybe she would be eliminated the next round. Surprisingly, she got in to top 5! Wow, amazing huh..! Well, she has the height..looks average compare to the rest.. as for body.. hm, i hate to say this but she doesn't have the neccessary criteria. you all should know what i mean.. Anyway, the Q&A she didn't do quite well i thought ok, the most she can get would be 3rd. I was hoping Ms Korea to get at least 2nd as she is rather beautiful, but to my dismay, she only managed to obatin 3rd runner up. At this point of time, i was thinking, "don't tell me Japan will get 1st or 2nd.." The announcement for the results was crazily running at jet speed, and poom! Ms Japan was crowned Ms Universe. My eyes and ears must have been playing tricks on me.. best word of the day -- 一個字五個音符.."unbelievable" ! Why did the judges come out with this decision? Cause of her appearance? -- don't think so. Cause of her flamboyance? --highly possible.
Oh, and as usual, i didn't see Ms Singapore. All the contestants were standing on the stage but the cameraman seems to be bias against Ms Singapore. It happens every year... well, final conclusion, to catch a glimpse of Ms Singapore, you have to do it in the first 15 mins of the show before she gets eliminated again..sigh... Would there ever be a day when i get to see Ms Singapore at the last 15 mins of the show..
找尋一絲曙光.. 拜託CF讓我Pass吧!!
星期五, 5月 25, 2007 at 11:34 下午
Corporate finance 是至今一張讓我最看不到曙光的考卷.. 怎麼辦.. 我是豬!! 嗨唷.. 就像buddy仁說的, 有6天的時間溫習, 還"不過"的話, 不如撞牆死了算了! 我看我大概很高的Chanzes去撞牆.. 我真的太不懂得考試的策略, 除了2天身體不舒服, 2天溫習lecture notes, 剩下2天才練習前幾界的考卷.. 結果發現時間實在很不夠~ 所以把全部希望放在calculation qns上.. 誰知道今天的calculation qns難透透.. 看了考卷第一眼, 只會做一題八分的問題.. 害我差點當場哭死掉..! 救命啊.. 好希望他們不要改得太嚴, 我不想被當掉.. 拜託拜託啦!! 接下來就剩最後一張考卷了, 一定要打起十二萬分精神, 跟它拼了!! Raarrrrr!!!
會計 = 快死(xi 4)
星期六, 5月 19, 2007 at 12:44 上午
看標題就知道今天Poa是個goner了..Balance sheet很噁心..噁心指數一百點~ 可是奇機的是我竟然能Balance.. 我從來做B/S都很少bal過..但也不代表我做得對.. 可能兩邊都錯, 才能balance囉.. 不知道啦.. 只有cashflow最ok~其他就請marker高抬貴手, 擠一些分出來讓我過關吧.. 明年不要再看到跟會計有關的課文!!! 看數字看到眼睛爆青筋... 殺了我吧~!! 還有兩張試卷就大功告成了.. 假期假期come to me~!!!
第一張試卷 + S.H.E 新專輯~ "Play"
星期六, 5月 12, 2007 at 10:53 上午
昨天終於過了第一張噁心的試卷... 星期一考數學, 不簡單, 等Blog完了才開始讀吧.. 昨天有少許happening, 特別想說的是在考場發生的一件事~ 當大家都在分秒必爭地埋頭苦幹於自己的考卷上.. 突然從我右手邊前兩排傳來一陣騷動, 使得我周圍的應考生和我都頓時分神, 視現轉移.. 我看見一位女生和考官正在"拔河".. 只不過雙方緊握的不是一條繩子..而是一張紙~! 當時考官嚴厲地叫她把紙交給他,不要做無謂的掙扎~ 我不太肯定她是不是在作弊, 不過考完試後聽說有人作弊, 就認定是她吧.. 我認得她.. 因為她有些課和我上一樣的班. 我平常最不會認人, 但會記得她是因為她每次上課獨自坐第一排, 也常發問問題.. 雖然沒和她交談過, 不過聽她口音就知道她是中國人.. 我一向認為她應該蠻利害, 誰知她竟然作弊.. 也許是因為她想考特優..或者是她根本就沒那麼利害.. 不管怎麼樣, 作弊就是一個No No~!昨天考完就和表妹一起去拿預購的CD~ 要謝謝懷月表妹幫我預購啦~ 因為我也沒那個時間去預購! 這整個CD的風格很特別, 就像專輯名稱一樣, Play with music~ 很好聽~!!! 是不一樣的S.H.E 風格~ 其中有一首歌很可愛..叫"倫敦大橋垮下來"~ 真的用了兒歌"London bridge is falling down"的一段音樂~ 專輯裡有許多的Rap, 也有周董的一些作品~ 大家也去支持一下吧~
[P.S: 要謝謝琴提醒我macro要轉注於examiner's report而不是tutorial, 還有一些重點, 不然昨天的試卷應該50%是空白~! 當然沒有忘了buddy仁講解的Ricardian Equivalence, 否則我大概把它忘光光或搞錯~ 多謝啦!! 回想看要得50分好像蠻難, 希望我能Pass就好!!]
病病病~! 怕怕怕~!
星期一, 5月 07, 2007 at 7:32 下午
呃.. 生病了.. 傷風感冒, 星期五又要考試... 希望能好點ㄦ啦.. Cat也生病了, 快好起來喔~ 很怕Macro 啊.. MM又沒唸完.. 嗨.. 最近也沒什麼時間blog.. 等星期五吧.. 考完第一張再說囉~ 半期待半討厭周五的到來.. 因為預購的CD將出版..但害怕的心情也急速湧上來~ 只能說:" Aja Aja Fighting" 啦~ 丸子的哲學 : "病從口入, 飲食要注意啦~"~*甜甜圈*~
星期三, 5月 02, 2007 at 1:20 上午
我剛才做了一件一生當中從未做的傻事~! 哈哈~芬妮小豬拉我陪她去買什麼什麼... 人家說很有名的甜甜圈..Donut Factory新鮮岀爐的.. 很多人排隊呢.. 很誇張.. 本來以為頂多排一個小時..誰知道一排就排了近三個鍾頭..還好跟芬豬一直哈拉, 時間顯得過得比較快~ 剛才原本要看Spiderman 3 ..可是就連最後一場九點多的也趕不上..因為回到家已經快要十點了.. 好累哦~! 回到家後便試了那些甜甜圈..也沒那麼特別啊.. 就..一般囉~ 我從來也沒為了食物排那麼久..因為沒那個耐心~ 不過就當是磨練吧.. 等有什麼大明星來本地就去排一下吧~ 但只限啊尊尊, S.H.E, 王力宏, 陳冠希..哈哈~! 暫時就這樣~
(注: 左下角的好像一坨大便 :s)