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星期二, 7月 31, 2007 at 12:34 上午
整個人變得越來越白目 搞不清楚狀況
沒辦法 無藥可救 一直都是這樣
上週在一個MutYoYo阿嫂面前岀臭 答非所問
剛才搭地鐵因一時恍神搭過站 第8次
常惹怒朋友 不過我不是故意的
整個暑假幾乎都在練 練岀一對黑眼圈
廢話! 如果真的有用我還會這樣嗎... 白目
*~S.H.E @ Expo Max Paviliion~*
星期日, 7月 29, 2007 at 11:31 下午
昨天跟阿懷表妹去看演唱會~! WEE~! 用一連串四個字來形容Expo現場的狀況 --- 人潮洶湧, 人山人海, 人仰馬翻, 水洩不通, 熱得要命, 熱到我了~! 托溫蒂小姐的福, 我們遲來還能排在前面~! =)
幸虧有一些活動讓我期待, 不然病可能沒有那麼快好啦..~ lol~ 拍了一些照, 但由於是用手機拍的, resolution=quite bad. 阿懷也拍了些videos~ 等她send我了再po上來吧~

(6手連彈~ "老婆")

星期四, 7月 26, 2007 at 9:52 下午
哇.. 今天真的是阿路兵好介紹~ 看什麼"Alone"啊...嚇到我半死.. 咳唷, 害我在電梯里都不敢抬頭.. (-__-") 這部戲幾乎驚嚇連連.. 越是想不到會出現的, 越會出現~ "Alone"是"Shutter"的Producer 製作的, 蠻不錯看. 只不過, Shutter最後的twist比較好吧~ Alone卻勝在效果~! 所以喜歡看恐怖片的朋友們不妨看看啊~
Movie Plot: When Pim learns that her mother is gravely ill, she and her husband rushes back to Thailand. The moment she arrives, the flashbacks begin - a painful memory that is long buried with a strange familiar feeling. The secret behind Pim and her family is slowly revealed: she was once a Siamese twin! Ten years ago, Pim and her conjoined twin sister underwent an operation to be separated but her sister died during the attempt. And now, Pim suddenly feels her relentless presence once more.
星期三, 7月 25, 2007 at 2:40 下午
我這個人就是這樣, 你對我好, 我會記住..有機會一定10倍報答你~ 相對的, 你對我不好, 我更會記住, 10年後100倍還給你~!! 狠毒? No! 這就是因果和報應~ 當然, 至今朋友中還沒有人踩到我尾巴.. 小事就算了~ 讓我失望和憤怒的我一定記得... 不怕說出口, 越親的人越會使人痛心.. 跟家裡人真的是"唔得傾".. 總之, 他們讓我學到"Money = Power". No Money = Shut up !! 有錢, 多爛的人也變得沒那麼爛, 多不爛的人在他們眼里就只是爛壞掉的豆腐~! 沒錢, 對你說話就會超大聲..更糟會賞你一巴掌~! Well, No money no talk~ 所以收聲啦!!!
*~What a day~*
星期一, 7月 23, 2007 at 12:29 下午
Had a long and hectic day yesterday... EXHAUSTED from queueing 6hrs for a ticket.. Record breaking again!!! Just for a limited entry ticket to s.h.e fun party concert~ ok , but i heard quite a lot of people didn't manage to get the tics.. so, thank god i got it~! Actually the day before i bid for a pair of tics online, but the seller never get back to me, so in the end, still went to queue with my cousin. We reached J8 at around 12noon and goodness me, the queue was surprisingly long, it already went out of J8 complex. Duh... Sun-tanned for 1hr in the end...SHAARRRKKSSS! After we got the tics, went Causeway to reward ourselves with Sushi~ Blah blah blah..then went to Charles and Keith, saw a nice pair of heels.. wanna buy but seldom wear and quite expensive..so..is a no no again~ Went home then, Sarah sms me say wanna pass me back my dvd. Went downstairs again, encounter the 6th floor 怪伯伯.. He took a lift down from dunno which floor..stopped at 9th floor, i went in..then he stopped at 6th floor and went home. I recognised him, caused he always smokes in the lift. Anyway, i went down, met Sarah and went back up. When the lift reached my floor, i went out and was stunt to see the uncle right at the lift area!!! Diaonzz... scared me out of my wits (-_-") He did nothing though, just went into the lift i took and down to 6th floor again. Weirrrrddddoooooo... -End Day-

(Ma Queue No.)

(Nice HIGH heels~ *rufff*)

Naughty Harry steals...?
星期三, 7月 18, 2007 at 11:48 下午
Harry Potter Vs Naruto

Look out for Naruto's power sphere in The Order of Phoenix~! Harry had mastered a new magical spell "Copy and Paste". It goes like..."copipo pasudium~!"

(P.S: Picture by Lim Jun Ming)

星期日, 7月 15, 2007 at 9:16 下午
最近越來越少blog了.. 因為大多數的空檔都在看戲劇~ 也沒什麼精采的東西可寫啦.. 現在都在看<<新楚留香>>和<<換換愛>>. <<新>>是6年前的戲了, 不過因為萬綺雯有演, 就看一下啦~ 蠻喜歡她的演技.. 而且看她的臉不會想要"塞"下去.. 不像最近新視播的<<手足>>裡頭其中一名騷婦, 看見她我就火大..lol~ Anyway, Rainie的<<換>>也應該不錯, 目前只到第6集~ 演員陣容雖與<<惡魔在身邊>>的大同小異, 但希望故事內容會有些突破囉~

星期三, 7月 11, 2007 at 9:06 下午
昨天又回Art Class了~ 終於生活沒那麼無聊. 雖然我只是Novice, 不過敢於挑戰 不向困難低頭!! 哈哈! 選了很久, 終於決定畫這張~ 老師都說很困難.. 我看畫出了應該蠻"粹"~ 隨便吧...試試看~!

星期日, 7月 08, 2007 at 8:23 下午
天啊~! 前幾天看<<我和殭屍有個約會2>> , 看到馬小玲的靈靈堂門牌幾美喔, 結果今天就買一下4D囉~ 我很少買的啦..只不過昨天MJ輸哂.. 想補救補救~ 誰知真的開入圍喔..不過買很小而已, 還是翻不了本.. Hm.., 也好過沒啦~ =)
P.S: 感謝觀音嬷賜福~ 嘿嘿!!
我和殭屍有個約會3 (^o^)
懷月表妹找到的.. 我和殭屍有個約會3的電視版大結局~ 就連vcd也沒有收入的.. 和大家分享一下吧~

星期二, 7月 03, 2007 at 8:34 下午

其實有啲嘢我諗咗幾耐, 都搵唔到解答... 話唔定, 係老天想俾一次機會我哋.. 如果係噉, 我諗我會繼續等, 等到奇蹟出現為止. 唔知點解, 而家好嬲.. 希望有一天佢會做啲嘢啦..

阮的心情無咪好..真乾苦, 麥煩到阮~ 海唷~!!!